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New Higher Ed Federalism

The president's free community college plan may change the balance between the federal government, states and colleges.

Two Years of Free Community College

Obama unveils outline of federal matching grant proposal that would seek to make two years of community college free nationwide.

Good Cop, Bad Cop From White House

The summit underscores a tension in the Obama administration’s higher ed approach: how to promote colleges' and universities' successes while holding them more accountable.

15 Hours Doesn't Work for Everyone

We can do a lot to help adult students finish college. But increasing the course load for full-time Pell Grant recipients could actually hurt some of them, Pamela Tate argues.

'Dirty Money?'

Anthropologists discuss student debt and other concerns about the "commodification" of higher education, and debate role of faculty members in reform efforts.

Harkin’s Last Act?

Among the new provisions in the retiring Democrat's final proposal to rewrite the Higher Education Act are a student unit record system and incentives for colleges to graduate more Pell Grant recipients.

Promise Goes Grassroots

National "free tuition" group changes its name and pitch with plan to support state and city tuition scholarships while continuing to push on the federal level.

Default Rate Adjustments Panned

The top Democrats on the U.S. Senate and House education committees hit the Obama administration over decision to lower some colleges' default rates, allowing them to avoid sanctions.