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Year-Round Pell's Likely Return

Congressional Republicans and the Trump White House appear poised to bring back year-round Pell Grant eligibility, which the Obama administration and Congress nixed in 2012 over cost concerns.

Loan Forgiveness Uncertainty

Recent court filing by Department of Education fuels uncertainty about whether borrowers can count on contractors’ assertions that they qualify for federal debt relief program.

Student Debt and Home Buying

Federal Reserve Bank of New York study suggests student loans don't play a major role in limiting borrowers' ability to buy a home later.

Protecting Pell? Critics Say Budget Wouldn't

By cutting a third of program's surplus and slashing other aid programs, Trump administration's first budget would imperil college access, advocates argue.

Work-Study Worries

Many experts on the program agree it needs changing with a greater emphasis on low-income students. But few agree that the large cut being sought by the Trump administration will help.

Hungry and Unable to Complete

A new study points to food and housing issues that prevent many community college students from progressing.

More Complications From IRS Snafu

Student aid advocates and financial aid administrators say shutdown of IRS data retrieval tool has consequences beyond the FAFSA process.

Irretrievable Aid Data

College access advocates scramble as Trump administration says IRS tool designed to simplify student aid process could be unavailable for several weeks.