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Angst Over Middle-Class Aid

In several states, proposals seek to curb or end expensive grant programs that aren’t going to those who are most in need.

Credits Up With 15 to Finish

In Indiana, encouraging students to pursue a full credit load is having a positive impact on students when the financial incentive is significant, according to a new analysis.

Experiments With a New Way of Paying for College

Colleges (and nontraditional providers) experiment with income-share agreements as innovation that could help some people afford education and training.

Not Exactly Free

John M. Burdick provides an insider’s view as to why he thinks the New York State Excelsior Scholarship isn’t actually giving students free college.

Making the Second Time the Charm

The second chance for year-round Pell Grants also means a new opportunity for the U.S. Department of Education to get implementation right this go-round, Ben Miller writes.

Choice and Student Debt

Most students pay more for college than an affordability benchmark recommends, according to a new report, and some of the overspending is by choice.

U.S. Alters Rules for Picking Student Loan Servicers

New federal memorandum rescinds previous guidance governing selection of loan servicers, removing some consumer protections.

IRS Debacle Sows Confusion, Hassles

Researchers say removal of an IRS tool for financial aid applicants may have slowed FAFSA submissions, while college aid groups warn that affected students could already be losing out on aid.