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Charter School Program Steps In to Fill Gaps in College Aid

KIPP expands its microgrant program to help alumni short on funds graduate from college.

DeVos Outlines ‘Rethinking’ of Higher Education

Secretary and Education Department officials today outline plans for looming accreditation reform negotiation, describing focus on credit transfer and credential inflation.

Lamar Alexander Calls It Quits

The chairman of the Senate education committee, planning retirement in 2020, could step up efforts to pass a new higher ed law in the next Congress.

The Growth of Unmet Need

Many colleges say they provide enough aid for students to enroll. New analysis suggests otherwise.

Should Colleges Consider Home Equity?

Stanford becomes latest institution to drop the value of family homes when calculating ability of a student to pay.

To Pursue Federal Aid or Not

The Trump administration wants to spur more innovation in higher education. But some question whether pursuing federal student aid is worth it for alternative providers.

The Growing Loan Burden for Parents of College Students

Parents are taking out bigger loans to pay for their children's college education, a new report finds, and having worse outcomes repaying that debt.

Why Remind Poor Students That They Are Poor?

Trinity in Connecticut now offers Pell-eligible students four years of institutional aid based on a single application.