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Will For-Profits Bounce Back?

Are for-profit colleges poised to bounce back in the newly begun recession? Or are their glory days behind them?

Should Feds Make Students' Loan Payments During Crisis?

As Congress considers giving many Americans a $2,000 payment to stimulate the economy, advocates are pushing for more help for those with student loans.

Students Organize Their Own Aid Networks

As campus closures strain low-income students, undergrads at over a dozen universities have started large "mutual aid" networks and fundraisers to defray costs.

Will Trump's Promise Really Help Borrowers?

President Trump got attention for promising to waive the interest on student loans. But experts say it's unclear if borrowers will pay less. Or even if it's legal.

The Campus Closure Divide

A growing number of colleges and universities close or cancel in-person classes while others keep running as usual. Why are institutions responding differently?

GOP-Led Senate Joins House in Rebuking DeVos on Loan Forgiveness

Ten Senate Republicans joined Democrats in backing a resolution opposing Education Secretary Betsy DeVos's borrower-defense rule, following a similar measure passed by the House.

Planning for Coronavirus With Fewer Resources

As elite institutions close campuses or switch to online courses, regional and community colleges are planning for the worst. How will they fare?

Protecting Enrollments in Times of Risk and Crisis

Faced with potential losses from the coronavirus, some institutions will look for ways to guard against the risk of lost tuition revenue. An emerging form of insurance may be one of them, writes Michael B. Rush.