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Early Spanish Missions

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of North Florida's Keith Ashley describes what life was like for Native Americans at...

DNA and Anthrax Outbreaks

In today’s Academic Minute, Northern Arizona University's Paul Keim discusses how DNA analysis can be used to trace anthrax outbreaks...

Ocean Acidification

In today’s Academic Minute, Bärbel Hönisch of Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory describes how rising levels of CO2 are not...

Preschoolers, Attention and Academic Success

In today’s Academic Minute, Oregon State University's Megan McClelland explores what a preschooler’s ability to pay attention reveals about their...

Neanderthals and Medicinal Plants

In today’s Academic Minute, Karen Hardy of the Autonomous University of Barcelona explores how new information about the behavior of...

Digital Faculty: Professors, Teaching and Technology 2012

Review the findings of "Digital Faculty: Professors, Teaching and Technology, 2012," the second of two surveys of college professors and...

Mayan Urbanization and Natural Resources

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Cincinnati's Vernon Scarborough examines the complex infrastructure that supplied the largest Mayan city...

Tudor Courtly Love

In today’s Academic Minute, Florida State University's Elaine Treharne explores the discovery of an inscription that provides rare insight into...