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The Urge to Eat Dirt

In today’s Academic Minute, Cornell University's Sera Young examines why some pregnant women experience a compulsion to eat odd things...

Mayan Calendar

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Texas at Austin's David Stuart discusses how the Mayans would have viewed the...

Genetics of Perfect Pitch

In today’s Academic Minute, Diana Deutsch of the University of California at San Diego describes the genetic and cultural factors...

Parental Expectations and Academic Success

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Northern Colorado's John Mark Froiland explores why parental expectations are an important part...

Supporting Department Chairs

People don’t become academics because they aspire to be department chairs, but every department needs one – and perhaps never...

Evolution of Digital Materials

In today’s Academic Minute, Temple University's Youngjin Yoo examines how digital materials evolve in way their creators never imagined. Yoo...

Evolution of Digital Materials

In today’s Academic Minute, Temple University's Youngjin Yoo examines how digital materials evolve in way their creators never imagined. Yoo...

Alan Turing and Morphogen Theory

In today’s Academic Minute, Jeremy Green of King’s College London examines how Alan Turing’s mathematical genius continues to guide scientists...