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Commissions and Foreign Students

Many admissions officers remain opposed to the way many agents recruit abroad -- even as the practice spreads.

'Conscientious Objector' to Testing

Sylvie Baldwin is trying to apply the idea of being a "conscientious objector" to the world of admissions testing. With...

Saviors or Sellouts?

At national gathering of admissions leaders, enrollment managers try to redefine the way they are viewed, stressing their role in retention as much as recruitment.

'College Admissions for the 21st Century'

Robert J. Sternberg, the new provost of Oklahoma State University, has just finished a five-year term as dean of arts...

Worries Over a 2-to-1 Ratio

College of Charleston considers: How large an undergraduate gender gap is too large? And how can the institution attract more men?

Legacy of Bias

New book says elite colleges -- public and private -- have continued alumni admissions preferences even though they favor the wealthy and white -- and the favoritism isn’t needed for donations.

Ditching Fall Semester

U. of Florida considers giving incoming students option of taking classes during spring and summer terms only — throughout their time at the university.

Not Scared of Selectivity

Report highlights how successful community college transfer students can be at top-tier four-year institutions -- if they get the right kind of assistance.