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International Grad Enrollments Up

3% increase in number of first year students is the result of continued surge in interest from China.

Oops, We've Given That Test Before

The Educational Testing Service is canceling all scores on the Graduate Record Examination from China this month because large portions...

'Precision Guesswork' on the GPA

WASHINGTON -- If a student's grades in high school best predict how he or she will fare in college, what...

Early Decision Bounces Back

As recession drags on, colleges see more interest and fill more seats through a system that a few years ago was being criticized as favoring wealthy students.

Golden State's Transfer Guarantee

Last month, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act, guaranteeing community college students who earn certain...

Rank Hiring

Christopher Newport U. is basing faculty selections in part on whether applicants attended institutions that were rated highly by U.S. News.

When Less Is More

Changes in essay requirements to apply to MIT and Penn reflect sense among admissions officers that students don't need to write a book (or even 1,000 words).

'They Ask. Who Tells?'

ST. LOUIS -- Many high schools have policies under which, if a student is cited for a disciplinary infraction as...