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Ranking the Online Colleges

U.S. News brings its analysis to digital programs -- and also accidentally writes article on unaccredited institution.

Engaging With Agents

The only way to protect foreign students is to recognize the realities involved in recruiting them, writes Mitch Leventhal.

ACT's Validity Questioned

A new study has found that two of the four main parts of the ACT -- science and reading --...

Holding the Line on Agents

Admissions group releases draft policy that explicitly bars paying commissions for recruiting students -- in the U.S. or abroad.

In the Market for Transfers

Dickinson hopes partnership with community colleges will attract applicants when number of high school graduates in region dips. First, the college has to make the newcomers feel welcome.

Stanford Adds Alumni Interviews

Until now, the university has been unusual among elite colleges in not having graduates meet applicants. Why is it changing now?

Admissions Summer

For many private colleges, creating first-year class is far from over. Sewanee finds success with its tuition cut.

Some Unpretentious Bragging

Whitman promotes its "unpretentious Northwest culture" as reason to enroll. But is advertising that feature a bit ... pretentious?