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Colleges Should Validate Their Claims

In wake of numerous reports of colleges submitting false information, Myron Roomkin argues that institutions should audit the data they share publicly about their academic performance.

For Veterans, Unmet Goals

Reinforcing the findings of a survey on veteran services, college officials say they want to help those students but sometimes lack the infrastructure or data.

Universities Hire Rankings Pros

Several Australian institutions dedicate staff positions specifically to working with rankings groups -- and moving up on their lists.

Beyond the Credit Hour

The U.S. Department of Education encourages colleges and accreditors to move forward on competency-based education programs that don't rely on the credit hour.

My Ride to the Airport

Nate Kreuter reflects on how some chance encounters made him feel welcome at a large university -- and pointed him forward.

Don't Tinker. Toss the SAT.

The "common core" movement led by the head of the College Board has made the organization's exam less needed than ever, writes Joseph Soares.

Change From Within

Higher education's most powerful association throws its weight behind "disruptions" to the industry. Can the establishment help lead the revolution?

Drone U.

As tension over drones is rising, so too is their use among academics. The unmanned vehicles' potential for research is huge, but privacy concerns remain.