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Discounting Grows Again

The rate at which private colleges discounted their tuition crept ever closer to 50 percent in 2014, drawing warnings about unsustainability.

A Valid Question to Ask

Colleges shouldn't abandon the practice of asking applicants to disclose disciplinary records, writes Pamela Brown. But admissions officers need to be trained on how to evaluate the answers.

'Off to College: A Guide for Parents'

How should parents prepare children for college? In a new book, a former college president takes a look at programs and resources at five different institutions to find out what students need and what parents should do during the first year of college.

Ending the FAFSA List

Education Department will stop giving colleges information from federal form about students' college preferences, which critics said disadvantaged some students during the admissions and financial aid process.

Casualty of GMO Wars

How a biotech professor found himself in the middle of a firestorm over ethics in research and outreach about genetically modified foods.

Tapping Wages for Training

Michigan's community colleges have found success in tapping an unusual funding mechanism to partner with local employers to train new employees.

Recruiting International Students

"Recruiting International Students" is Inside Higher Ed's new print-on-demand compilation of articles. The booklet features articles about trends, debates and...

Finding the Right Match

College-match discussion should be about typical students and colleges, experts say at conference, not just whether high-performing, low-income students get into elite colleges.