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Applying to College as a Wheelchair User

Why was finding a college so difficult, asks Valerie Piro, even though all I needed was basic wheelchair access and a dorm room large enough for my physical therapy equipment?

Agent Debate Awakens

Draft policy proposed by Middle States would prohibit accredited institutions from using commissioned agents in international recruitment -- as many now do.

Drew's Downgrade

Ratings agency dings small university for spending big after a new president took over. As focus shifts to a budget deficit, question becomes whether Drew can cut spending while growing enrollment.

In Praise of ‘B’ Journals

Academic publishing is becoming more about establishing a pecking order and less about pursuing knowledge, argues Andrew J. Hoffman.

Turning Down Top Choices

About 40 percent of students who decided not to go to their college or university of first choice cited reasons related to costs.

Better Marriage Between College and Job Training

Republican-dominated Washington wants more occupational job training as an alternative to college degrees. But higher education will remain the federal government’s primary job-training system, albeit one experts say could use a reboot.

College Choice: It’s Anybody’s Guess

When the time comes to decide on a college, the factors at the forefront of a teenager’s mind will continue to remain impenetrable to even the most sophisticated empirical analyses, writes Austin Lyke.

The Journal of Interrupted Studies

The condition of a refugee scholar is a 21st-century reality, writes Scott McLemee, so one of the oldest academic presses in the world has added a new periodical to its catalog.