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Helping Postdocs With Children

First-ever national survey of postdocs who are parents reveals a lack of access to paid parental leave, pressures to return to work early and extra stressors for parents of color.

Pioneer in Adult Education Looks Back

George Pruitt, retiring after 35 years as president of Thomas Edison State University, surveys the landscape.

Attracting Chinese Students With Their Own Admissions Test

Two years into an unusual approach to international admissions, University of San Francisco finds that it's working.

The Week in Admissions News

Free tuition in New York State and at U of Michigan, lower college-going rates for those who grew up in times of high unemployment, and more.

Can Women's Colleges Attract Women? Can Ex-Women's Colleges Attract Men?

Another women's colleges goes completely coeducational, renewing discussion of viability of single-sex colleges -- and of institutions that start to recruit male students.

A University of Chicago Admissions Challenge for Everyone

The queries typically focus on intellectual questions. One of them this year offers a chance at humor.

Ethical College Admissions: Female Students and Debt

Jim Jump asks whether colleges' practices contribute to gender inequities.

Job Losses Linger

Adolescents who see widespread layoffs around them as they grow up are less likely to enroll in college -- even if no one in their family loses a job.