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Recent Admissions News

Enrollment decline; new television show; debate over nursing degrees; student debt in New York City; veto on aid for for-profits in New York State.

The Power of College Counseling

Intense advising shifts the college choices of low-income students, study finds.

To Recruit Students, Welcome Their Pets

Lyon College seeks advantage in recruiting students by allowing them to bring four-legged companions.

Focus on Economic Mobility

Samuel L. Stanley says students, families and college counselors need to consider the future -- and not arbitrary rankings -- when evaluating colleges.

Ethical College Admissions: Football Factories

Issues related to sports powerhouses play out at elite academic institutions, not just those playing for Division I championships, writes Jim Jump.

Are Prospective Students About to Disappear?

New book says most colleges -- and the vast majority of nonelite institutions -- are about to face severe shortage of potential students.

Not of This Earth

In the interest of peace on earth, Scott McLemee reviews some of the metrics that attempt to gauge the existence of other forms of life in the universe.

Enrollment Slide Continues, at Slower Rate

College enrollments in the U.S. decline for a sixth straight year -- although at a slower rate -- while the bachelor's degree got more popular.