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Academe Must Challenge the Skeptics of Expertise

The more academics seek to inform and shape policy, the more they must confront efforts to undermine their influence, writes Linda Stamato.

Consolidating Instead of Merging

As some small private colleges merge with one another, others simply contract, closing up branch campuses -- some of them long-standing and hundreds of miles away.

Scaling Up the Swiss Model for Career Training

Betsy DeVos touts Swiss approach for apprenticeships, but such business-driven career education options remain limited in the U.S.

Fallout From Exposé About Transcript Fraud

After report on abuse at school famous for sending low-income black students to top colleges, admissions officials engage in soul-searching.

Decline Found in Colleges That Check Applicants' Social Media

Part of the shift may relate to increased popularity of sites on which posts are easier to hide.

The Week in Admissions News

Students and careers; parent borrowing; Chinese enrollments.

The Impact of Holistic Admissions

LSU finds increased diversity with its first class using a new system. But not everyone is applauding the switch.

Ethical College Admissions: After the Applications Are In

Ethical choices don't go away at this stage in the process, especially if an applicant does something that may hurt his or her chances, writes Jim Jump.