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What Community College Students Say Impedes Their Progress

A new survey finds they believe too much work and too little money keep them from graduating. But they also cite problems with online education and parking.

More AP Success; Racial Gaps Remain

More students than ever are earning scores that can translate into college credit, but results are mixed for some groups.

Application Growth Finally Slows at U of California

Even as selective colleges in many parts of the country report increases, system sees application decline -- after years of increases. Some of the private colleges in the state with large in-state student populations (and ability to focus on minority students) see growth.

The Week in Admissions News

Art college shakeout; dual enrollment; student loans at community colleges.

Conservative. Traditional. Expensive.

Survey of prospective students and their parents offers insight into how they view Roman Catholic colleges. Many are open to them but generally aren't choosing institutions because of their Catholic character.

I Pledge $5,000 to My Alma Mater if It Will End Legacy Preferences

It's time to end any favoritism for alumni children in admissions, writes R. Guru Singh.

Ethical College Admissions: AP Registration

The explanations for the changes don't make a lot of sense, writes Jim Jump.

When Colleges Seek Diversity Through Photoshop

Doctoring photographs to appear more inclusive may not end well. But colleges historically are more diverse in their admissions materials than they are in real life.