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A pencil lies atop a score sheet with multiple choice bubbles for a standardized test.

The Misguided War on Test Optional

Akil Bello argues defenders of test requirements attack student choice and institutional priority setting.

Three students with heavy green packs walk past the facade of the U.S. Military Academy

Supreme Court Passes on West Point Affirmative Action Case

The U.S. Supreme Court declined to intervene in the latest affirmative action legal battle, this time centered on the United...
Students walk down a treelined sidewalk on campus

Fallout From a FAFSA Fiasco

Colleges are pushing back admission deadlines after the latest FAFSA delay. But not all institutions will be affected equally, and many aren’t yet ready to make the call.

Temple Waives Tuition for Low-Income Locals

Temple University announced Thursday that it will cover tuition and fees for incoming full-time students from Philadelphia whose family income...

A Call for Deadline Extensions After FAFSA Delay

A coalition of higher ed professional associations and advocacy organizations issued a letter Wednesday urging colleges to extend their typical...

The Capital of Transfer

Ensuring students are fully informed.

Virginia House Joins Senate in Voting to Ban Legacy Admissions

The Virginia House of Representatives unanimously approved legislation Tuesday banning legacy admissions at public colleges and universities, joining the state...
calendars ripping

Another ‘Devastating’ FAFSA Delay

Colleges will not receive applicants’ federal aid information until March. They may be forced to push back commitment deadlines, and the delay could discourage low-income students from enrolling.