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Man reading law book

Law School Accreditor Rewriting Diversity and Inclusion Standard

A group of Republican attorneys general says the revised standard would violate the Supreme Court’s ban on race-conscious admissions. Critics say the AGs are “willfully misinterpreting the law.”

A person in a T-shirt and glasses holds two mini buildings with dollar signs over them

Financial Aid Timelines Sway Student Enrollment

A new report shows the importance of aid offers in college decisions—not just amount but also timeliness and clarity, two factors hampered by the FAFSA debacle.

Two men in suits sitting at a desk

‘Won’t Get Fooled Again’ on FAFSA

After this year’s disastrous launch of the financial aid form, federal officials say next year’s version will be out on time and with fewer problems. College financial aid professionals are skeptical.

An assortment of wooden blocks that spell "FAFSA."

The FAFSA Broke Me

Burned out and overwhelmed, a financial aid director asks how many aid administrators will leave the field.

Another College Board Official Joins FAFSA Team

College Board chief information officer Jeff Olson is joining the Education Department’s team in charge of implementing next year’s Free...

Leaning Into Credit for Prior Learning

Building an ecosystem that recognizes and values the diverse experiences and knowledge of learners.

CBO Predicts no Pell Shortfall in 2024 Because of FAFSA Issues

The Pell Grant program is expected to run a $11.4 billion surplus for the fiscal year, the Congressional Budget Office...
Two scantrons shaded in to show dollar signs in green

More Downsizing at Beleaguered ETS

The former SAT administrator and owner of the GRE offered buyouts to most of its U.S. workforce Tuesday morning, kickstarting its second round of job cuts in under a year.