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John L. Mahoney thinks of the high school students who inspired him after Sept. 11 and urges us to think of them today.

How to Help Students and Survive

Colleges cannot resort to business as usual during this crisis, writes Nick Ducoff, who describes six practices they should instead consider.

20% Enrollment Drop Seen

Survey figures are for four-year public colleges and don't consider international students. Minority students are at greater risk. Plus, details on numerous other studies.

The Week in Admissions News

May 1 is just another day; interest in community colleges; plans for the fall.

Just Another Day in May

With hundreds of colleges extending their deposit deadlines due to the pandemic, May 1 means less than ever this year.

Certainly Uncertain

Colleges have released a flurry of statements saying that they will reopen campuses in the fall. Will that plan bear out?

Colleges Could Lose 20% of Students

Projection comes from the latest survey of college students and would-be college students and does not consider community colleges or foreign students. Figures are particularly bleak for minority students.

More Cause for Concern About Fall Enrollment

One in six students who'd planned to attend four-year colleges full-time no longer plan to do so, private polling says. Data show cause for concern even about those who've already put down deposits.