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Building Transparent Statewide Transfer Pathways

Private nonprofit colleges and associations can do more to realize the potential of community college transfer to independent institutions, Loni Bordoloi Pazich, Julia Karon and Daniel Rossman write.

Company Steps in to Ease Transfer-Credit Friction

Outlier creates a network of institutions to try to fix a broken system of transfer credit. Experts applaud the company's efforts, but its for-profit nature may limit acceptance by some institutions.
Young Black woman with long braids wearing a red plaid shirt taking a test at a laptop

Expanding Access to Transfer Pathways

The New England Board of Higher Education is working to expand guaranteed transfer pathways in the region.

Transfer Enrollment Falls Sharply

A new study finds that transfer enrollment from two- to four-year institutions dropped precipitously across all demographics and institutions. The consequences could be stark for underserved students.

Associations Team Up on Transfer Statement

Colleges and universities should use consistent standards to evaluate transfer credits and remove unnecessary barriers to accessing transcripts, according to a new joint statement on transfer students.

Law on Transfer Process Sparks Controversy

The California law promises to streamline the transfer process for community college students. College leaders and faculty members are skeptical.

‘A Red Flag’ on Transfers

New report from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center finds equity gaps in transfer rates during the pandemic.

A Recommendation to ‘Reset,’ Not ‘Fix,’ Broken Transfer System

Going “beyond transfer,” national panel argues that achieving equity in higher education requires recognizing and crediting “all relevant learning” from wider variety of sources.