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A professor stands in front of a classroom of students with some of the chairs unfilled.

Looking Back and Looking Ahead

A new data dashboard is helping college leaders prepare for expected enrollment declines and demographic shifts.

Redbrick buildings on the Harvard campus

Competitive Colleges Have a Great Admissions Year

Private colleges are boasting about a record year, but most of them will have to wait until May 1.

Students prep for TOEFL

Is TOEFL Losing Its Edge?

The test will cut more than an hour of time, but not its cost. Duolingo continues to grow.

A group of female students walk across a bright green field in front of a brick campus building

A 'Faustian Bargain' to Attract Out-of-State Students

A Colorado bill would effectively raise the cap on nonresident students at public colleges, a boon for CU Boulder. It also highlights the state’s convoluted student residency calculus.

Infographic showing that applicants in china are most likely to apply by early decision

Who Are the International Applicants?

New study by the Common Application reveals that many of them are wealthier than other students.

College students sitting and talking in nice weather

Spring Enrollment Steady, but Not for All Institutions

Preliminary data from the National Student Clearinghouse show flat enrollment across all sectors of higher education. Enrollment rises at community colleges and in certificate programs, while number of bachelor’s degree–seeking students dips.


The College Board Has Lost Its Way

The problem is much larger than the way it handled the controversy over AP African American Studies, writes Elaine Maimon.

The Role of Politics in Where Students Want to Go to College

Study finds that nearly one in four high school seniors said they passed up, out of political concerns, a college they would have initially considered because of its state. The trend is evident among conservatives and liberals.