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The (Needless?) Frenzy

Survey finds applications are up, applications per student are up and old formulas about who will enroll don't work anymore. But for all the hysteria on admissions, study documents that most colleges still admit most applicants.

Those College PSAs May Help

Videos and other material making postsecondary education seem accessible appear to encourage college-going behaviors, study finds.

Another Rankings Fabrication

George Washington U. admits that it has been submitting incorrect information on class rank for a decade.

The New R&R

Worried about the finances of your academic program? It's time to take recruitment and retention seriously, writes Michael Bugeja.

Need and Want

Facing financial constraints and public pressure over students’ debt, some colleges move away from need-blind admissions -- which are often costly to the institution and students -- in favor of reducing "gapping."

What’s Driving Debt

New paper finds that admissions and financial aid policies play a larger role than tuition prices do in driving student debt.

Think Outside 'The Box'

Students and counselors perceive a bias against Asian Americans in elite university admissions and say reticent college officials aren’t helping the situation.

Rallying Outside the Court

Hundreds of people gather on Supreme Court steps to demonstrate their support for the University of Texas and affirmative action.