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How Much Diversity? Who Decides?

Obama administration says colleges should receive "due regard" in deciding if they have a necessary "critical mass" of minority students.

College Counseling Matters

Low-income students who received guidance were much likelier than others to enroll at a four-year college, study finds.

Using FAFSA Against Students

Some colleges are using the federal government's form for student aid, the FAFSA, to deny admissions and perhaps decrease financial aid awards.

White House Meeting on 'Undermatching'

Administration officials summoned university presidents to discuss a possible effort to get more low-income, academically talented students to apply to the nation’s best institutions.

Micro-Targeting Students

Increasingly sophisticated data slicing tools are changing student recruitment. Who benefits?

Pretending to Be Need-Blind

George Washington U. said for years that ability to pay wasn't a factor in admissions. It wasn't true.

The Student Solution to Affirmative Action

Students who favor affirmative action should follow their principles and help minority students -- by choosing not to apply to highly selective colleges, writes Mark Bauerlein.

Commotion App

After several days and missed admissions deadlines, glitches in the new Common Application system are still causing campus officials to fall behind and sending some parents, students and high school counselors into frenzies.