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More State Funds, on One Condition

To receive portions of the money allocated to them in the new state budget, California's public universities will need to admit more in-state students.

An Unlikely Campaign to Move Beyond GRE Scores

ETS plans to discourage graduate departments from relying in excess on test scores in deciding whom to admit.

Determining a Student's Place

More community colleges are moving away from relying on placement exams alone to figure out whether incoming students need remediation, but establishing a substitute system can be tricky.

Outsourcing Experiment Meets Its End

University of Akron abandons its partnership with untested start-up company to provide "success coaches" after one year.

Uncertainty, Unpredictability, Chaos

Next year will be disruptive and confusing for students, families and most colleges in the admissions process, argues W. Kent Barnds, who wonders how so many changes can be good.

Fears for Future of UNC Black Colleges

Republican lawmakers back bill that would substantially cut tuition and revenue, and seek more student diversity, at five system campuses, four of which are minority-serving institutions.

Worse Than You Think

The changes in the new SAT reflect a very different -- and questionable -- view of the qualities that are important for success in college, argues Ben Paris.

Discounting Hits New Highs

Private colleges and universities are trying new strategies after discount rates rose to unseen levels yet again.