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Why Do I Like Book Reviews?

For more than one year, almost every two months, I enjoy writing a book review. Most of the books I am interested in cover the main issues I am focused on in my daily lectures; there are books on political science, history of Central and Eastern Europe, foreign affairs and identity, ethnic minorities and tolerance.

Dreaming of the Ideal Student

Each month, the writers at University of Venus share their answers to a question we pose for the higher education sector. This month’s question comes to us from Denise Horn. Denise has asked us to describe our ideal student and in so doing, we reveal our dreams for the future of education.

What’s New at University of Venus? 28 January 2012

What’s New at UVenus: Afshan Jafar for University of Venus at The Guardian UK with Consumerism in higher education: the...

Globalisation of Digital Humanities: An Uneven Promise

Last October, I gave a lecture at the Lifelong Learning Division of the School of Humanities at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). This was one of the ways I participated in the University of Venus Networking Challenge, where I was aiming to “go interdisciplinary” and “go international”.

Get Smarter

New Year’s resolution: get smarter. I do not like this quasi-obsession with making promises for new beginnings whenever January 1 shows its face on the first page of a new calendar. I do not think they last, these attempts to become a new person in a new year. Most of the classical New Year resolutions die out about the time we do not have to think twice before dating correctly our correspondence.

Going “Home”

I spent part of my Christmas holidays in the house that I grew up in, located in the suburbs of Montreal. I haven’t lived in Montreal full-time since I left to go to university, more than (shudder) 15 years ago. And even then, I didn’t really live in Montreal growing up. And yet, in my mind, I’ve built up my home city to the point where there could be nowhere better to live.

What’s New at University of Venus? 21 January 2012

What’s New at UVenus: UVenus at The Guardian (UK) - Sarah Emily Duff with Visa Denied? Navigating the visa minefield for visiting academics. Erin Wunker at Hook and Eye gives UVenus a nice shout-out in her post, Two Words.

The Missing Link in Teaching

When I was a graduate student and was assigned to teach (and design) a course, the first thing I did was order the textbooks for that particular topic. It seemed to me then, that everything would fall into place once I had accomplished the major task of choosing a textbook and figuring out the readings. In contrast, now, when I am about to design a new course, the specific readings sometimes end up being one of the last things I choose.