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What's Your Word For 2012?

What would you like the word to be that captures 2012 for you?

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays from University of Venus.

Teachable Moments of Feminism

Teachable moments are sometimes incredibly ironic. Last week, when leading a discussion on feminist criticism for a literary theory class, I began by asking my students what questions they might pose when taking a feminist approach to a fictional text. I am often met with an awkward silence at the beginning of a lesson, and so, as usual, I waited next to the chalkboard for someone to respond rather than providing an answer for them. One of my male students finally said angrily, “I feel like you’re mocking us when you stand there waiting for an answer. You look sardonic.”

I Want to Speak to Your Supervisor!

In my own experience and judging by the experience of those who have many more years in academia than I do, there is one trend that is steadily and maddeningly on the rise: parents calling deans, provosts, and college and university presidents, yes presidents, to plead on their child’s behalf.

What’s New at University of Venus - Week Ending 17 December 2011

What’s New at UVenus: UVenus at The Guardian (UK) - Deanna England with University Admin Job Can Help Forge Strong Relationships With The Faculty.

Two Worlds Colliding

So, I'm having the learning experience of a lifetime. I'm in doctoral student heaven.

Internationalization in practice: A Visit to Hong Kong

Less than a month ago, I returned from a working visit to Hong Kong. I benefited from a scholarship awarded...