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Long Distance Mom: All My Babies

I am writing this column from the annual conference that I attend every year with fellow academics — the University...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Getting what you didn't ask for

This summer for the first time my family joined a CSA (Community-Supported Agriculture). We signed up to receive a weekly...

Gender and Pay

In a recent New York Times article David Leonhardt makes a point that we on this site have been discussing...

Math Geek Mom: "It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood…"

There is a concept in mathematics that shows up in calculus and geometry, the concept of a "neighborhood." Like its...

Motherhood After Tenure: Admission

This week I rewarded my productivity by reading a totally engrossing, satisfying novel: Jean Hanff Korelitz’s Admission. Korelitz's deftly-written novel...

ABC's and PhD's: Summer Reading

This summer I thought I’d teach my daughter to read. I’m not sure why I had in mind that we’d...

Reunion Butterflies

My 40th (yikes!) high school reunion is coming up, and my inbox has been clogged with correspondence about it —...

Math Geek Mom: What the Jesuits taught me about being a Mom

Patterns are central to math and statistics. If we add two of something to two more of that something, we...