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WTF Is Going on at Wright State?

It's ugly, but it was foreseeable, maybe even inevitable.

Who Are You As a Writer?

On the eve of a book publication I answer the question I ask students.

Guest Post: You Know More Than You Think About Teaching Writing

Elizabeth Wardle is here to tell us that teaching writing is just good teaching.

‘Dreyer’s English’ Is for Everybody

A style guide even for those of us who no longer assign style guides.

What If Every Class Was a Version of "Music Appreciation?"

What happens when we put "appreciation" at the center of a course?

Guest Post: The Confounding Relationship Between Smart Phones and Mental Health

Sarah Rose Cavanagh reminds us that when it comes to big questions, it's always complicated.

Guest Post: Avoiding Groundhog Day on Contingent Labor

Amy Lynch-Biniek recounts an MLA panel on contingent and adjunct labor with some thoughts on how to bridge the gaps and keep us from repeating the past.

Don't Do It, Gavin Newsom

Governor Newsom, please don't spend $10 million on a system that tracks students from kindergarten all the way into the work force.