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AP Psych Course ‘Effectively Banned’ in Florida

The state’s decision to bar the inclusion of lessons on gender identity and sexuality prompts the College Board to withdraw recognition of the course.

Defining ‘First Generation’ in Different Ways

Colleges and governments offer financial and academic support for these students, but there’s no set standard among colleges for what the term means, as limits on affirmative action raise the stakes.

Labor Market Data Play Growing Role in Higher Ed

A Rutgers University study found that colleges are increasingly using the information to analyze graduates’ employment outcomes, recruit students and create new programs, among many other uses.

Competition for Students Presents ‘Fraught’ Route Forward

Prospective students view regional public colleges as more affordable but also as having less stature and academic rigor than the national public universities now recruiting those students, new report says.

‘Teaching on Eggshells’: Students Report Professors’ Offensive Comments

A recent survey shows about 75 percent of students would report professors for saying something they find offensive.

Corequisite Courses Gain Momentum

Some Oregon community colleges are trying an alternative approach to remedial education. Higher ed institutions nationally are increasingly embracing the model, but lingering hesitancy remains about the change.