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American Confidence in Higher Ed Hits Historic Low

A Gallup poll shows only 36 percent of Americans have “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in higher education, which is down by about 20 percentage points from eight years ago.

When Merger or Consolidation Plans Don’t Align

A debate in Wisconsin over the possibility of merging a two-year state institution with a two-year technical college highlights questions of realignment faced by public college systems across the country.

Hope College Bets on Tuition-Free Program

Hope College lets a small group of students attend for free and asks them to donate money to the institution after they graduate. An effort to raise $1 billion to expand the pilot program campuswide is going slowly.

Co-Provosts Create a New Model of Leadership

St. Catherine University tests a novel concept by appointing two administrators to serve as co-provosts for the upcoming school year.