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Funding Student Success: Mini Grants for First-Year Engagement

This spring, Ohio University piloted a grant program to support faculty and student engagement in first-year seminars, awarding eight grants to empower connection and meaningful relationships.

Positive Partnership: Librarians Support Student Athlete Academics

University of Arizona librarians partnered with an athletics support program to help students hone their research and writing skills.

Scaling Up: Expanding Paid Internship Roles in the Arts

An internship pipeline for rising high school seniors will launch a pilot this summer to support current college students.

Program Innovation: Painting Student Supports in a New Light

Colorado College staff created a new intervention to reframe student supports, encouraging all students to utilize services as part of the learning process.

Lack of Awareness, Targeted Services Limit Online Students’ Mental Health Care

A new survey from Uwill and the Online Learning Consortium found campus stakeholders believe there is a need for more tailored support for online learners to benefit their well-being.

Listen: Counting Student Parents in Higher Ed

In the latest episode of Voices of Student Success, listen to experts discuss the need for greater visibility into student parents in higher education through data collection.

Tribal College Expands to City Center, Promoting Access

Starting this fall, Native students in Minneapolis can take classes at Red Lake Nation College’s new site downtown, allowing the institution to reach more students.