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Through a Deficit Lens

Sarah Manchanda critiques the reinforcing roles race and gender can play in the institutional othering of disability.

Rethinking Professional Meetings and Conferences

If you are planning one that now has to take place online, Sheldon H. Jacobson offers recommendations for how to make the most of the situation.


Ralph James Savarese, a professor of English, pens a poem about the push for in-person teaching on campuses this fall.

On ‘Difficult’ Conversations

Framing discussions as such further marginalizes diverse students by labeling them as promoting identity politics when, in fact, all course content reflects identity politics, argues Derisa Grant.

Performance Appraisals Amid a Pandemic

Brittany K. Robertson offers tips for humanizing what can often be a broken system.

Putting Your Professional Development to Work

If you pursued a graduate degree because you thought that knowing more, and sharing that knowledge, could make positive change, now is your time, writes Melissa Dalgleish.

Implicit Bias Training for Woke Faculty

Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt pens a satirical memo.

Showing Industry What Academics Are Made Of

As jobs continue to disappear while COVID-19 spreads, Eric James Stephens invites readers to join #HireHigherEd for help forging a new career path.