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Liberal Arts II: The Economy Requires Them

Champions of liberal education, often on the defensive, should more strongly argue that their programs prepare students for work and life, Richard Greenwald argues.

Power and Peace

Diana Chapman Walsh considers the paradoxes of leadership in academe.

Philosophy in Tehran (and Beyond)

Protest against a UN-sponsored conference in Iran has a new tactic. Scott McLemee reports.

Nobel Peace Prize -- for Education?

Wick Sloane wonders what it would take for someone to win the award for contributions to helping the world learn.

The Entrepreneurial University

Holden Thorp and Buck Goldstein consider how leading research institutions should -- and should not -- change.

Lacking the Mission(ary) Zeal

Although many demur, faculty members have a responsibility to care about, and be role models for, students' development outside the classroom, Kevin Brown argues.

Money Over Mind

The direction of education reform is leading students and colleges in the wrong direction, write Judith Nichols and William Nichols.

At the Rendezvous of Victory

The C.L.R. James Library in London is being renamed. Scott McLemee wants to halt the vandalism.