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How Our Zombies Are Faring

Mark Salisbury, ever-diligent in assessing students at his college, looks at one emerging group (or are they?).

Between Thought and Expression

Scott McLemee considers the legacy of Lou Reed.

Professional Development, at Fenway

Wick Sloane teaches community college students to write essays to transfer to universities. To set an example of "show, don't tell," he surveys the scene at a World Series game.

Shooting Off Your Mouth

The journalism professor who blasted the NRA didn't serve his profession or his students well, writes Elizabeth Christian.

Debt-Free Degrees

David Bergeron and Steven Klinsky explain how a new innovation-focused accreditor could ensure the quality of individual courses and drive down the cost of a degree.

In Fighting Cheating, Character Counts

James Lang's recent book on academic dishonesty encourages professors to alter the learning environment to try to change student behavior. That's letting students off the hook, Jonathan Marks argues.

Dog Bites University

News that a dog has earned a university degree has created consternation in the cat-centric household of Carolyn Foster Segal.

Facing Reality

The Grambling athletes' boycott is just the latest sign that it's time for historically black colleges to move to Division II, and to spend more of their limited dollars on education, not athletics, writes Aaron N. Taylor.