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I can appreciate that it took a lot of time and energy to vet the comments for appropriateness. And yes, I saw the same names pop up frequently. But I always found the comments to be a helpful way of keeping a finger on the pulse of the higher ed community. (I’m a private-college trustee, so I’m not on campus on a regular basis.)

So I’m disappointed that you have decided to discontinue the comments option. Several years ago I wrote to encourage you to require people to post comments under their real names, and you responded that screen names were permitted in order to give people a safe way to express their opinions. But hiding behind a screen name is one reason the comments have gotten out of hand. Would people be so spiteful if others knew who was really posting the comment? I hope not.

Anyway, I will appreciate continuing to read the IHE articles.

All the best,

Mark D. Taylor
Chairman / CEO
Tyndale House Ministries

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