… Recommendations to invest little in service are common in advice … upsetting the stakeholders in issues affected by your service. … task forces, committees or the Academic Senate. There are also …
… us look forward to returning to in-person classrooms with a mixture … experience and to address the academic challenges, and to a … material to current, real-world issues or to your students’ …
… Theory on students, so we keep academic freedom alive and well at … this week. The resolution in question, proposed by Regent Jim … in defense of academic freedom. “Issues around race, equity and the …
… obstacles many people face in our society. This moment has … doctoral students primarily for academic jobs is not value-free. It …
… Ph.D.s have been moving in significant numbers into other … outside academe on problems or issues that interest you, asking … participant in the life of your academic department. If not, you …
… emotional, social and ethical? In his classic 1969 study of … first year to developmental issues. … Study skills, mind-set … training, major selection and academic success strategies should …
… may not come, so you should live in the moment. That defines what’s … or merging with. These advisers can create a matrix of … the regulatory and continuity issues ASAP. … When we agreed to …
In “ Do You Really Need a Ph.D.? ,” Arie Spirgel issues cautions about starting a … as the notion of the alternative-academic path is, deciding to …
… this fall more like they did in 2019 than they did a year ago, … looking to see what the academic program's going to look … an exciting time because these issues existed pre-pandemic. We …
… Perhaps you read a column in The Washington Post that was … in nuance, it nonetheless raises issues that deserve a detailed … students relative to their academic potential? Will increased …