… has changed drastically. We live in an enduring white water that … shared with the new leader the issues and ideas that mattered most … which spoke to the sense of the academic rigor that was a point of …
… dollars. With their enhanced academic experience, strong sense … status hierarchies that prevail in higher education as a whole? … original great books course, War Issues, arose in response to World …
… researchers play a vital role in advancing our nation’s research … Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and Issues in Science and Technology , …
… We also need a fundamental shift in the way we approach student … to outdoor recreational staff, academic support specialists or … that helps them identify issues that may need additional …
… sex discrimination to Title IX in the regulations released earlier … of free speech, privacy and academic freedom that come with … leadership, teaching or advising are required to notify the …
… only when relevant and in “neutral” terms, or they risk … the university says that “academic freedom is not a defense … new guidance says that “we are advising a conservative approach …
… Organization that engages in harassment, discrimination, hate … expression as it pertains to the academic mission of the university, … engaged with a wide range of issues related to campus free …
… and the vice president for academic and student affairs at … the pandemic began. Nearly two in three students (64 percent) say … struggle with student retention issues. The simple fact is that our …
… this at twilight on my laptop in a van. We are camping in … I am dreading the start of the academic term. On this trek, I … diagnoses, but the mental health issues now are more dire. I feel …
… and wait for offers to roll in. They must also find a position … practices that respond to the issues raised in the … require for both nonacademic and academic-focused careers. Also, if …