… has a 70 percent graduation and retention rate, according to … has a 70 percent graduation and retention rate, according to …
… of Achieving the Dream to tackle retention issues, especially in the … found that they had poor retention in the first year, but then had decent retention after that. So instead of …
… that many programs have serious retention problems. Those are … that many programs have serious retention problems. Those are …
… cares deeply about recruitment, retention, and maintaining a … cares deeply about recruitment, retention, and maintaining a …
… plan also explicitly addresses retention - the Pentagon's key … benefits could lead to reduced retention - with education benefits …
… revenues generated by improved retention to create a few more … courses produces better retention numbers than having … assessment." If there's a retention issue, address that. If …
… planning, and recruitment and retention of faculty. At Microsoft, … planning, and recruitment and retention of faculty. At Microsoft, …
… with on a day-to-day basis -- retention and remedial education, … And that fact, seen in retention statistics comparing …
… seen increases in pass rates, retention, and the like. They've … seen increases in pass rates, retention, and the like. They've …