… Mae is the dominant company in student lending. More than 7 … the U.S. Justice Department had advised them that the agency was … changes as a shift away from academic control of the …
… the lure remains. In 1999, Birmingham-Southern … the college has only one full academic scholarship. "The question …
… plagiarism" by graduate students in the institution's mechanical … writing or "basically supported academic fraudulence" by ignoring … atmosphere of negligence toward issues of academic misconduct in
… their most serious growth in faculty hiring -- in the 60s and … gates. Based on his experience advising colleges on searches, he … to put someone from outside of academe on the committee, he said. …
… for the class that will enroll in the fall were up 41 percent from … the College Board looks at these issues very differently. While a … tests." By all measures of academic performance, she said, …
… After a year in which it had seemed to be in a … the “integrity of student academic records.” The company … of the three major firms that advise shareholders on how to vote …
… the student press by voting 76-0 in favor of a bill that would … president of College Media Advisers, a journalism advocacy … “The Hosty Court ruled that academic freedom includes the …
In any given year, Caryl Emerson … Emerson said she has heard of academic advisers at the university … however, the distribution issues within a department. For …
… institutional autonomy and academic freedom." Sound familiar? … for their performance in educating students effectively … Murphy, senior communications adviser for the minister of …
… -- on strike for months in hopes of saving their union -- … in truth this is the watershed academic labor crisis of our … bargaining touches on academic issues. Leaders of other private …