… University of Dar es Salaam in a 12-page, single-spaced report … to be a scholarship-supported academic year in Tanzania, “I … “I am sorry to hear about your issues with sexual harassment and …
… to play a more central role in that process. Since late 2003, … raised potentially difficult issues for them. "We are being …
… "Finish in four, I promise!" That is what … students. With a little better advising and a binding contract to … my error), who have adjustment issues transitioning to …
… their largest salary gains in five years. The median base pay … some information about other issues. Some details available this … length of service for chief academic officers is only three …
… higher education accreditation. In fact, the only real agenda item … battles that are to come. Two issues were particularly … or colleges' policies on what academic credits they accept from …
… to the Department of Education in a show-and-tell fest, … succeed. To be successful, major academic redesign efforts often … and system support. … The common issues … When comprehensive course …
… citing the Web site as a source in papers or other academic work. All faculty members … may not deal with the underlying issues. Roy Rosenzweig, director of …
… the most intense debates about academic freedom have involved … There have been numerous cases in which candidates for jobs or … year on "the 101 most dangerous academics" study the Middle East -- …
… history at Swarthmore College, in a discussion of how departments … those where a majority enter the academic job market. Burke wasn't … members raised a number of issues. One faculty member noted …
… Elisabeth Ladenson found herself in discussion with a bus dispatcher … she said that reading old issues of the PMLA gave her the … a panel for this year's MLA on academic fashion -- broadly …