… Most academic disciplines largely trust … to avoid playing a direct role in policing academic misconduct. …
… gatherings of the committee that advises the U.S. education … Quality and Integrity in Washington will be like scoring … of the reviews raise no major issues, only one agency (one that …
… greater efforts to protect them in the wake of the discovery of a … a business-oriented college in Cleveland that has been … the seriousness with which issues of faith are considered, and …
… that two-year institutions play in developing workers, educating … panel that advises Congress on issues related to student aid, held … the council's vice president for academic affairs. As the next step, …
… Doctoral education in the United States, though the … indicate that some of the issues raised by the book are more … longstanding push to get academe to move beyond the …
… the principle of "do no harm" in research when there isn't much … Those were among the issues considered Thursday when the … people in those countries by advising soldiers on the ground. …
… probably shouldn't be surprising in the year of the Virginia Tech … to focus on background checks in academe and one of its special … risk alienating their non-academic employees and also risk …
… (military withdrawal), "IP" (in progress) and "RD" (report … legal obligation to provide. The Academic Senate will be discussing … curriculum." Nope, no hot button issues here! Back in the day, …
In the weeks since Columbia … held that in the interests of academic freedom Ahmadinejad should … To be sure, there are numerous issues between Iran and the United …
… and nearly losing $10,000 in tuition (which was ultimately … has doubled its size in the past academic year. Meanwhile, the … program in chronic health issues. A fourth annual symposium …