… of and collaboration among academic programs in the emerging field of global … want to work on global health issues," said Mark A. Emmert, …
… should be a priority for junior academics. In fact, their importance is so … is important to one’s academic career. But what if you …
… Hi everyone. In this column, I continue on the … program of research set by her adviser, I have them identify three … Are you interested in an academic career in a field where …
… to graduate enough students in four (or even six) years and are … graduation rates, but many other issues. For instance, the book … rates -- don't experience academic success as they might at …
… the easy laughter we all shared in that conference session. The … of attention for a time, masks issues at least as much as it …
… like the markets for most academic fields, is a lot tighter this year than in the recent past. The American … search is focused on security issues is accurate. There are also …
… Soon after he enrolled in January, though, he was assigned … in admissions, student services, academic and career advising, … they can take care of all the issues they have.” Cline …
… planning has given way to a new academic year of inevitable illness … and just about everywhere in between are beginning to report … with each other, getting all the issues on the table just in case we …
… The top factors in helping graduate students … they had good access to their academic advisers during their … for graduate schools to focus on issues such as mentoring, and to …
… within the university. In frenzied e-mails, he lambastes … discussion of college-wide issues, Sadid says, “This is … Fischer, vice president for academic affairs and dean of …