… $90 billion. Moreover, all of us in the not-for-profit sector, … surely need to consider some issues. If the feds support our … $5,000. At the end of each full academic year, institutions of …
… students from 663 institutions in 48 states, 3 Canadian provinces … shown that students consider academic advising the most important student …
… some scholars held a protest in the convention hotel, trying to … to be more vocal on a range of issues. There was some disagreement … in favor of free expression and academic freedom -- say the …
… Jacobs announced last week that in his role as president of the … are angry about the idea that an academic career can be evaluated in … research, service and other issues depending on where the …
… Not Yet Equal: Race and Class in Elite College Admission and … but actual data -- both on academic credentials and student … for Asian applicants. On issues of wealth, the SAT shows an …
… enrollments -- dramatically in some cases -- of out-of-state … there is of course another issue: If flagships open up more … them -- with the highest of academic qualifications. The same …
… have played an important role in my life since I was in … as encouraging me to pursue an academic career. By the time I …
… mean she doesn't know their academic strengths and … for students she has never met in person seemed to take some in … courses, which also raises issues for admissions officers. …
… This week, many students in the San Francisco Bay Area who … the quarter system, began their academic year Monday, three weeks … budget cuts and overcrowding issues that have crippled …
… institutions from setting up academic programs nearby that would … the black colleges. The justices in the Fordice case worried that … in higher education.” And the issues don't just involve …