… This summer I spent eight weeks in Europe conducting research on … European politics my entire academic career, there remains a … a woman, should I be focused on issues of gender? For me, the …
… crisis without shrinking in size or quality. In that … by the Berkeley division of the Academic Senate on July 20 … of the Commission on the Future, advising that the commission tell …
… I came to Howard University in 1972 because of two people who … who might have significant academic shortcomings. Through the … high-quality research on issues that have disproportionately …
… annual meeting later this month in Atlanta, the job market news … glum. An association report issued Friday shows a 35 percent decline in the number of academic job postings in its job …
… among them is expected in the intense search for students, … elementary and secondary school issues. But how many have lamented … inadequacy of their students’ academic skills and blamed the …
… is at stake, often described in shorthand as academic freedom. More to the … alike can agree. The ill-advised investigation in
… for colleges to discontinue academic programs overseas for … reasons. But Centenary College, in New Jersey, is shutting down an … plagiarism among other issues, at a level that ordinarily …
… is moving ahead with changes in its accreditation system that … of proposed guidelines on academic freedom -- just days … -- frequently on controversial issues -- and law schools are …
… Education Amendments of 1972. In a 95-page decision , U.S. … basis of sex during the 2009-10 academic year by failing to provide …
… studies have pointed to a gap in job satisfaction between men and … study by the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher … regularly documents the pipeline issues in the field. The latest …