… she remembered from us reading to her along with her own ideas. I … growing attention on how to improve success rates for … representative sample of college student papers, conducted as part …
… has become a buzzword used to make virtually anything sound … There are innovations to improve performance, increase … usage. Next-generation student information systems that …
… more effective for every kind of student, in every discipline, than … We know it incites students to learn. So what can we do to … … Every lesson is two lessons. … Metacognition, or thinking about …
… I’m hard pressed to think of someone else in higher … conversations about teaching and learning than James Lang ( Cheating … in front of a typical college student, be prepared for some kind …
… 1844. When the advent failed to occur as Miller foretold, many … we can harness this concept to improve student learning. … or perceptions. … Encourage metacognition. … Build …
… teaching—on working hard to figure out new and constantly … on their remarks: experiments to improve classroom teaching and … classes that requires each student to post a public response …
… many advocates as the only way to be heard above the din. Nowhere … Are there promising ways to improve teaching? True to its … authorities on motivation, metacognition, brain science, …
… ago, I made a snap decision to walk away from traditional … absolutely distractors), build metacognition and self-evaluation … and using the feedback to improve. They’ve also had …
… Paramilitary America , wanted to illustrate different historical … ed thinks that helping students improve their critical thinking is … when a first-year writing student asked me a question about a …
… The pandemic forced many of us to move into hybrid, … should have captivated a student demographic primed by video … Technology itself cannot improve or damage learning. It’s …