… similar legislation passed in Florida in 2022—into a bill that … that will be more hands-off on issues such as academic freedom. (Lee, the …
… offer, it is time to negotiate. In the realm of academia, where … given the fiercely competitive academic job market. But I was … your thoughts and concerns. … An Issue of Equity … The reluctance to …
… Yet, regardless of your stage in graduate school, identifying and … guidance. Clearly determine your academic, professional or … faculty members, these issues also occur on a structural, …
… existing approach, rooted in the notion that dedicating more … A study assessing almost 2,000 academic physicians and basic … it can begin to address crucial issues like low job satisfaction, …
… Bilen-Green for her service in this position as she returns to … leave during the 2019–20 academic year. She said … outside counsel to ‘resolve the issues’ following a policy …
… Starting in 2026, students who enroll in an academic program that leaves … department overlooked critical issues to “hastily implement and …
… Seven months later, their adviser was dismissed and the … Ashland at the end of this academic year, whether students … spokesman, Hugh Howard, wrote in an email to Inside Higher Ed …
… But Banks retired abruptly in July amid a sprawling hiring … restore the provost as the chief academic officer, move the bachelor … school, and centralize advising service. The report also …
… United States and that the lag in progress has far-reaching … on how to address issues such as unrecognized … part of your service, you end up advising more students than your …
… the third leading cause of death in the U.S. among 15- to … college students in the 2022–23 academic year. Suicidal ideation … to talk about mental health issues to support themselves and …