… science blogosphere has erupted in protest after the International … the center of a debate on academic blogging when he was … not to blogs per se , but to issues that can arise with people …
… higher education to address the issue. The latest to shine a light … graduates’ struggles in the work place. While it reveals … and ensure that career advising begins freshman year. And …
… Electronic portfolios may help academic officers plug gaps in their programs, advisers guide students to a …
… York, the vast university system in which I teach, published a … university presidents and other academic leaders. In these public …
… weeks after she was featured in a network news story on the … Center for Student Success and Academic Counseling and teaches an …
… don't always see eye to eye. In my career, I have had a view … organizational and enterprise issues ruled the day. I was at work … faculty development and general academic affairs, budgets, risk …
… The association’s Committee on Academic Freedom last weighed in on the subject of academics … weighs in on academic freedom issues not only in Israel, but in
… 53 vote followed hours of debate in which supporters of the measure … as a matter of human rights and academic freedom, while critics … expertise to weigh in on these issues. Further, many critics said …
… With many new Ph.D. recipients in the humanities struggling to … train graduate students for non-academic careers, ideas for … Graduate Education," touched on issues much discussed by graduate …
In recent weeks a number of Modern … a set of evidence-based issues: what are the conditions at … The efficacy or advisability of academic boycotts aside, they …