… of them committing another crime in the future? What if that … Course Signals and automated advising programs such as ASU’s … finding themselves in similar academic standing may be shown …
… all work together to coalesce academic, work, extracurricular, … "around" and seem to be invested in the broader campus culture as … with these people on a number of issues during your probationary …
… average -- well above average in fact. A number of colleges and … in 2004 (effective for the 2005 academic year)." But the report … The committee had the issue analyzed by pre-med advisers, …
… He was to be a tenured professor in the American Indian studies … Press, so it is part of his academic profile. His tweets cover …
… One of the issues that came up as librarians … the pros and cons of tenure for academic librarians (a conversation started in a blog post by Meredith Farkas …
… compete without scholarship in true amateur fashion.  If you … Athletic programs provide academic support in the form of … take precedence over all other issues. First, improved medical …
… of something very different from academic advising or achievement coaching. … of some sort of formal system in which more advanced students …
In recent years, many colleges and … and seeking help when they need academic support. Students often … remedy for improving “diversity” issues on campus, they will not …
… at Dartmouth owes $200,000 in damages to a professor of … course evaluations from the 1996 academic year in her dossier … that race and gender bias remain issues in personnel decisions. …
… sense and good advice. Back in 2009, I too posted some … Fine, but many is the time I’ve advised the following: There is an … … Disrespect the profession. … Academic debate has long been an …