… hire more people of color in student services. In some cases, … social isolation, academic hurdles and racial … conversation surrounding these issues has focused on a lack of …
… executive and consultant, not an academic -- leading colleges. One … The last such study was in 2012, when ACE found that 20 … she said, also have cultural issues to address if they are to …
… University, where researchers in April surveyed 315 students in a … reach students about important issues could lead to a “disconnect” … don’t always read emails from academic advisers, and more than …
… agenda has stalled. A decade in, a smaller percentage of … services, bolstered tutoring and academic counseling, and launched … within the field on key policy issues, such as how to engage as …
… study shows. But the most recent issue of the studentPOLL , … attending most of their courses in person. Among the students … courses offer a “higher-quality academic experience” than online …
… students for that of the faculty in areas such as the curriculum, … most notably the curriculum, academic standards and the hiring, … the pre-law program and faculty adviser to the newspaper , also …
… Mary College has seen it all in recent months, faculty members … to spiritual diversity, academic freedom and shared … to discuss important campus issues.” The board worked with …
… much larger. Among the many issues that have come to a head: … preservation of the liberal arts in an era when many pundits urge … set off widespread outrage in academe, with numerous groups …
… someone who can open doors in the working world. But to find a … mentoring programs and both academic and professional success. …
… Catholic liberal arts college in Maryland in a way they never had … a presidency. Blog posts raised issues about the case and … enough was being done to protect academic freedom and the rights of …